Welcome to my Detransition from Female Back to Birth Gender of Male page. Because this is a sensitive topic, I ask that you respect my privacy and only share the password with people that you trust. I am not seeking any attention. The reason I wrote this article is to be of help to someone that wants to return to their birth gender identity of male after making a bad decision like I did.
Guidelines for Detransition
- Pray
- Get a Male Hair Cut
- Twelve Step Support Groups
- Church
- Mental Health Counseling
- Get Your Testosterone Prescription
- Court Date for Your Name Change
- Change Social Security Card, Driver’s License, and Passport
- Schedule Breast Removal Surgery
- Find Christian and Spiritually Centered Women Friends
- Contact Surgeon to Reconstruct Your Male Genitals
- Minister to Others
Prayer-You will need a prayer life. You probably know how hard living with gender identity or gender confusion or gender dysphoria is. I never will forget being on my knees crying out to God to help me right after my birthday in 2016. I was attracted to a woman at a community group that I attend. I was also attracted to a woman at my church. The depression of not being the way I was born was brutal to say the least. I wanted to quit hurting. God reached out and comforted me.
The speed that God healed me was amazing. I had a court date in just 10 days after I realized that God had ripped my gender identity dysfunction out of me. Being a member of a church also helped me. The first thing I did after I got off my knees was send an email to my lead pastor that I had just been through a dramatic healing.
The reason I put get a hair cut in second place of my guideline to Detransition from Female Back to Birth Gender of Male is you might have periods of fear come over you once you make the decision yourself. I did. I remember thinking that it was going to be really hard to go all the way back to being a man. Because I had the hair cut right away, the process was started and there was no turning back. I had emerged from the closet for sure.
Human beings are designed to be in community with other people. Most people that suffer from gender issues have been living in isolation. I did. I lived in a delusional fantasy world. I started attending twelve step recovery groups in 1994 and my life has changed ever since. I no longer need to use anything to numb my feelings. Praise God for the healing.
Being active in a church is another huge part of my story. My church has 4 pastors on staff and I asked two of the pastors that had spent some time counseling me before God healed me to baptize me.
You will need to go through mental health counseling. You can access what will be needed on the Standards of Care website. I will briefly share my experience.
I remember feeling a little relief at the time after I had male body parts removed in 2006. The gender confusion in my head must have felt a sense of I am glad that is over. This period of relief was short lived though. In just a year, I remember starting to feel very depressed. Mental health professionals kept me engaged in therapy and I am grateful that I have had high quality care through the VA Mental Health Care System. I also was treated for PTSD.
Around six years into my living as a female, I started talking with people that I had made a bad mistake. I see now that God was starting the process for me to become ready to accept spiritual help and surrender my gender problems to God as I understand God.
Your physician or medical doctor will need to prescribe testosterone for you. In the USA, testosterone is a controlled medication. I was taught how to inject the proper amount into my body every 2 weeks by a nurse at the VA hospital. You can stop taking the estrogen and female hormones right away so your body can detox those hormones from your system.
Court Date for Your Name Change is easy. Just call your county courthouse and talk to the District Court clerk to get a name change application. This is the very first legal proceeding for you as you will need the decree from the judge to move forward with your legal documents.
You need to take your court decree and your letter from your mental health professional to send for a new birth certificate in your male name and male gender.
Contact Social Security next and get your new social security card issued. You will need to get your sex returned to that of male. I remember that this took a little longer but once I had the letters from my mental health professionals, Social Security did update my sex back to my biological sex of male.
Now you can go and get your new Driver’s License. I was able to get a temporary license in my legal name that I was given at birth by just taking the court decree to the licensing office. Once I had my new updated birth certificate I was able to get my sex corrected back to being male on my driver’s license.
The last step in the legal update process is to send for your new passport. I was lucky. I got a new passport picture and mailed off the application and in just 2 weeks, my new passport in the male name and male gender was in my mailbox.
You are now ready to schedule breast removal surgery if you have need of getting your male chest back. I did not like looking at myself every night when I got out of the shower so I am glad I was able to have surgery to remove the breasts that had formed from being on female hormones.
What worked for me was once I felt comfortable, I started searching for Christian women friends to do things with on weekends. I met a wonderful Christian woman. We are very close friends now. It was wonderful and an act of God’s Grace and Mercy to be back in my male role. My friend benefited from my friendship as she was raising 4 children on her own. We both love Jesus so that as the base of a friendship means you are there for each other when you need help.
My friend helped me reaffirm my male role. I like Daniel now. I like being masculine. I like dating women. I am happier now than I have ever been.
Update on my Christian woman friend in the picture above. She has been married to another Christian man for a couple of years. I have been married to a wonderful Christian woman since May 2019. My wife relied heavily on her faith to get her through the difficulties that arise from being married to someone with my mental and emotional health challenges.
Latest update as of April 2024 is that God has helped my wife and me stay married. My deep childhood traumas are slowly being healed. I continue in mental health therapy. I am growing in my faith with God to continue to heal me. It feels great to be coming out of my delusional selfish behavior.
Urology surgeons have rebuilt a functioning penis or phallus for me. The last step is to put an erection implant in so that I can fully function as a male again. It has been a long, expensive and painful process to get restored to the image that God created. It is not as good as my original penis but it sure helps me mentally and psychologically.
Now you are ready for your last step in the Detransition from Female Back to Birth Gender of Male process. There are a couple of surgeons that have experience with reversing the male to female gender surgery. I am scheduled for my final surgery with a surgeon that runs the urology department of a hospital in Europe later in 2021. God provided the first surgery to fix my male genitalia in 2020. You can contact me if you have any questions about the detransition from female back to birth gender of male.
I hope you have enjoyed my Detransition from Female Back to Birth Gender of Male post. The best thing you can do is be yourself again, enjoy living in the XY chromosomes that God gave you at birth. I am not saying that you will never have problems again. If I had one wish it would be to not have had to go through the nightmare that I did. Because it happened, God can and is using me to reach out to others so you also will have a story to share.